Geek How-To Technology

Setup MarsEdit with Quills 0.9 Final

I have been wanting to find a better way to write blogs rather than using the Plone interface. I was happy to find that MarsEdit and Quills both implement several blog APIs. Though it would appear that the implementation for both the BloggerAPI and the MetaWeblogAPI are not complete, MarsEdit can still be used to post articles using the BloggerAPI.

Here are examples of necessary configuration:

Name: MyBlog
Home URL:
Software: Other Blogger-compatible
Blog ID: weblog.2006-01-10.2395214781

The tricky part is obtaining the Blog ID. Plone uses an immutable identifier for all objects so that they can be found even after renaming them. Quills in turn uses this ID to get at your weblog object.

In order get this ID you’ll need to login to your Zope Management Interface (ZMI) and go digging through the uid_catalog in Plone. When you have clicked on the catalog object, click on the tab labeled Catalog. Find your blog object in the list of results and click on its link.

Search on the resulting popup page for the key named UID. The value of this key is what you will need to use for the Blog ID.

Note: Because of errors in the implementation of the MetaWeblog API, you will see a Zope error after posting, however the post will be correctly saved.